Why Does My Knee Hurt?
Knee pain is a common condition among people of all ages. It can either be the result of trauma or injury, or a medical condition that causes chronic knee pain. Many people experience pain asking why does my knee hurt when i walk? or why does my knee hurt when its cold?
If you want to skip right to the treatment, check out this 5-minute secret ritual from the Feel Good Knees website, which decreases knee pain by 58%. Otherwise, let’s get started with the most common causes of knee pain.

What Are the Symptoms of Knee Pain?
Knee pain often comes with extra symptoms and challenges. The numerous causes of knee pain, which will be explored in-depth in the following sections, can generate different levels of severity. The most common symptoms include pain, local swelling of the knee, and stiffness, which makes moving more difficult or even impossible.
The knee cap might feel warm when touched, or it may be red. Knees can pop or crunch during movement, and you might even be incapable of moving or straightening your knee.
Do you have one or more of these additional symptoms to knee pain? If yes, check out the following possible causes, ranging from injuries to mechanical problems, arthritis, and others.
Risk Factors for Knee Pain
It is important to understand the risk factors which can turn into long-term knee pain. Whether you already experience knee pain or you want to diminish the chance of developing any conditions which lead to knee pain, consider the following:
Extra Weight
Overweight or obese people are more likely to suffer from knee pain. The extra pounds will increase the stress and pressure on the knee joint. This means that regular activities such as climbing the stairs or even walking become painful experiences. Additionally, excess weight increases your risk of osteoarthritis because it speeds up the breakdown of cartilage.
Another factor is a sedentary life, with improper development of muscle strength and flexibility. Strong muscles around the hips and thighs will help you minimize the pressure on your knees, protecting the joints and facilitating motion.
A third risk factor for knee pain is sports or activities. Some sports, such as basketball, soccer, skiing, and others, can stress your knees and cause pain. Running is a casual activity, but the repeated pounding of your knee can increase the risks for a knee injury.
Some jobs, such as construction or agriculture, can also enhance the chances of developing knee pain. Lastly, people who suffered previous knee injuries are more likely to experience further knee pain.
Some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as age, gender, and genes. More specifically, the risk for osteoarthritis increases after 45 years old until about 75. The wear and tear of the knee joint will also wear down the cartilage in this area, leading to arthritis.
Studies showed that women are more prone to knee osteoarthritis compared to the opposite sex. This might be due to the hip and knee alignment and hormones.

Exogenous Causes
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
One common injury happens to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). It is often caused by sudden changes in direction, such as those performed by basketball or soccer players.
The ACL is one of the ligaments which link the shinbone to the thighbone. The ACL makes sure that your knee stays in place, and it does not have too much unneeded motion.
It is one of the most injured parts of the knee. When the ACL tears, you will hear a pop in the knee. You will feel as though your knee will give out easily if you stand, or it feels wobbly and unstable. If the tear of the ACL is severe, you might even have swelling and severe pain.
Fracture of the Bones
Another cause for knee pain might be a fracture of the bones, which can be broken following a fall or a collision. Individuals with osteoporosis and weaker bones can fracture their knee just by making a wrong step or getting out of the bathtub.
You will recognize the fracture as a grating sensation when you move – similar to your bones grinding against each other. Fractures can be of different degrees, some of them as small as a crack, but also more serious ones.
Torn Meniscus
If you have quickly twisted your knee while applying weight on it, you might have a torn meniscus. The meniscus is a rubbery, tough cartilage that protects your thighbone and shinbone by acting as a shock absorber.
Most people do not realize that their meniscus has been injured. It can occur, for instance, if you rapidly twist the knee while the foot remains planted on the ground. However, in time, and without proper treatment, your knee movements will be restricted.
It is common to have difficulty in straightening or bending the knee. Most often, this is not a severe injury, and rest can help it heal. Some cases can also turn into more severe complications, and even surgery might be needed.
Tendinitis means inflammation and the irritation of tendons – those tissues which attach your muscles to the bones. If you are a runner, cyclist, or skier, do jumping sports or activities, you can develop tendinitis because of the repetitiveness of the stress to the tendon.
Injuries to the Foot or Hip
Injuries targeting the foot or hip can cause you to change the body position to protect the painful area. As you change the way you walk, you can put more pressure on the knees, shifting too much weight to that area.
This causes stress to the joint, and you become more prone to wear and tear. The pain can be pulsing, dull, or throbbing and might get worse only when you move.
Issues Due to Aging
Floating Bodies
A common cause of knee pain as you age is the floating loose bodies. Such particles can enter the knee joint space, including pieces of collagen, bone, or cartilage. As we age, the bones and cartilages suffer wear and tear, and small pieces can enter the knee joint. This often goes unnoticed, but it can cause knee pain and restrict movement.
These foreign bodies can even prevent full straightening or bending of the knee, causing severe bursts of knee pain. Most likely, this is a degenerative condition that can lead to long-term, chronic knee pain, but sometimes, they simply go unnoticed.
There are many types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is the most common type, which can cause you knee pain. This is also a direct cause of aging. Small fragments of bone grow into the knee joint and cause damage to the cartilage between the femur and tibia.
In time, the cartilage and the joint space become thinner, and you will experience limited movements. The reduced motion leads to inflammation and knee pain, and it is a degenerative ailment. Osteoarthritis grows more painful as the inflammation evolves, and it is more common in women.
Post time: Oct-23-2020