Unlike every product that uses fluorescent tubes or light bulbs, pens that use ultra-efficient leds to produce UV rays are completely solid. The pen holder fits in a pocket, is lightweight and lasts longer than a tube or light bulb. The battery life is longer and the LED can provide full UV output, extending its service life. No power cord, bulky battery pack and lots of expensive batteries!

UV flashlight is compact, easy to carry and durable. The emitted 370nm light is UVA light or long-wave UV, which is inherently safer than UVB or UVC.


Document analysis: UV light sometimes shows changes and deletions to documents. Changes or changes can sometimes be seen directly when exposed to ultraviolet light. UV light can also be used as an excitation source. Changes sometimes emit IR light in response to UV excitation sources. Ultraviolet lamps are used in combination with infrared filters and infrared sensitive cameras. This technique is sometimes called IR fluorescence.

Crowd and access control: Access to events is usually controlled using an invisible marker on the hand or card, which becomes visible (fluorescing) when illuminated with UV. This UV LED flashlight can fit into a pocket instead of carrying a heavy black light.


Field inspection: Some body fluids fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Some people even check their hotel sheets before use to see if the bed has been changed. Arson investigators use ultraviolet light to look for the presence of accelerants.

Currency and billing verification: Many currencies contain UV fluorescent strips.

Leak detection: Leaks can be quickly detected by adding UV powder or liquid to systems with leaks and using UV light sources. Auto repairmen often use UV leak detection systems to repair air conditioning leaks, oil leaks, sunroof leaks, cooling system leaks and oil leaks.

Rodent detection: Urine from many animals, including cats and rodents, fluoresces under ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light itself is invisible to the human eye, but can cause substances such as rodent urine and hair to fluoresce noticeably. For health purposes, it is necessary to determine the presence of rodents in all areas of the food industry, from large industrial premises to small retail outlets. This is especially true in older buildings, where construction and location make it more difficult to monitor rodent activity. To determine the presence of rodents, simply illuminate the problem area with ultraviolet light. Dry rodent urine will appear bluish-white or yellowish-white if it is fresh. Rodent hair emits a bluish-white color that is easily placed on burlap or mixed with food grains.

Scientific, laboratory and Educational analysis: Ultraviolet light can be used in a variety of scientific experiments. This UV lamp is the most portable and robust small light source.

UV curing: UV light is used to cure many special epoxy resins and glues. Special adhesives require ultraviolet light to install. This is usually done using expensive plug-in sources.

Skin care: Under a doctor’s supervision, UV rays can sometimes treat psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis.

EPROM erasure: EPROM stands for Electrically Programmable Read-only Memory. EPROM chips are widely used to store computer instructions. EPROM contains a small window that erases memory on the chip when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Painting and carpet restoration detection: Many modern inks, pigments and dyes may look the same as old colors under visible light. Under UV, however, differences can be seen because the chemical composition of the newer substance usually includes synthetic materials.

Mineral detection: Ultraviolet lamps are commonly used to reveal the fluorescent activity in gemstone materials and aid in identification.

Post time: Apr-03-2023