Super Soft Ponakahi Tautoko Parenga Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05 Whakaaturanga Whakaahua
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05
  • Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05

Tautoko Rekereke Super Soft Tautoko Rekereke Elastic Ankle Brace AS-05

  • Min.Ota Rahi:2 Piha
  • Whakarato Kaha:10000 Piece/Pieces ia Marama
  • Moko whakaritea:Whakaae
  • Taipitopito Hua


    Tohu Hua

    Te Tautoko Rekereke Hukarere Maamaa Te Tiaki ElasticAwhi RekerekeAS-05


    100% Waitohu hou me te kounga teitei.

    Rahi: 1PC or 1Pair

    Rauemi: Polyester / Miro

    E tika ana: Nga rekereke o te waewae, te koretake o te rekereke, te whakaora i te whara.

    He pai mo te nuinga o nga tangata.

    Rahi: EUR37-42,US6-8.5

    Ka taea te tiaki i to rekereke


    Ihirangi mōkī:

    1PC Huahua Whakaritea Elastic Ankle Movement Movement ProtectionTautoko Rekereke


    Nau mai Whakataka Tuku!Tena koa whakapā mai ki a matou!

    6 5 4 3 2 1

  • Tōmua:
  • Panuku:

  • Q1: Ka taea e au he tauira?
    A: Ae, ka mihi matou ki te tauira tauira hei whakamatautau me te tirotiro i te kounga.
    Q2: Kei a koe tetahi rohe MOQ?
    A: MOQ iti, 1pc mo te tirotiro tauira kei te waatea.
    Q3: Ko tehea utu te tikanga kei a koe?
    A: Kei a matou te paypal, T / T, Western Union me etahi atu, ka utua e te peeke etahi utu whakahoki.
    Q4: He aha nga kaipuke e whakaratohia ana e koe?
    A: Ka whakaratohia e matou nga ratonga UPS / DHL / FEDEX / TNT.Ka whakamahia pea e maatau etahi atu kaikawe mena e tika ana.
    Q5: Kia pehea te roa ka tae mai taku taonga ki ahau?
    A: Kia mahara ko nga ra pakihi, haunga te Hatarei, Rātapu me nga Hararei a te iwi, ka tatauhia mo te wa tuku.I te nuinga o te waa, e 2-7 nga ra mahi mo te tuku.
    Q6: Me pehea taku whai i taku tuku?
    A: Ka tukuna e matou to hoko i mua i te mutunga o te ra pakihi e whai ake nei i muri i to tirotirohia.Ka tukuna atu e matou he imeera ki a koe me te nama aroturuki, kia taea ai e koe te tirotiro i te ahunga whakamua o to tukunga ki te paetukutuku a te kaikawe.
    Q7: He pai ki te tuhi i taku waitohu?
    A: Ae.Tena koa whakamohio mai ki a maatau i mua i ta maatau whakaputanga me te whakaū i te hoahoa i te tuatahi i runga i ta maatau tauira.

    Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou